Condition of Sale of Henry Hoover's property April 19th 1850

1.  The Highest-bidder to be the perchaser his complying with the articles of Sale

2.  All Sums under Three Dollars Cash and all Sums over Three Dollars Twelve Months time

3.  In Case of a disputed bid the property is to be put-up at the last bid which is not disputed

4.  Any person bidding of property & not complying with the articles will be held responsible for Twelve & 1/2 per cent and damages caused by the reseale of the Property

5.  The Knocking down of the property will be considered the delivery but no property can be removed off the premises untill bond & Security is given

6.  Bond with Two approved Securitys will be required

Witness Wm Roper

T H Brem Exr
Henry Hoover
[  h o m e  ]     [  r e s e a r c h  ]     [  s u r n a m e s  ]     [  l i n k s  ] 
last updated on: 1/25/2025
copyright (c) 2000
Donna Joy Johnson
all rights reserved
Henry Hoover estate continued

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[  h o m e  ]     [  r e s e a r c h  ]     [  s u r n a m e s  ]     [  l i n k s  ] 
Mecklenburg County Original Estates NC
1762-1957 CR.065.508.122
Henry Hoover 1850
Transcribed June 2000 by Donna Joy Johnson from photocopies of the original estate papers from the North Carolina State Archives