I Philip Hoover of the County of Mecklenburg and State of North Carolina Being of Sound mind and memory do make this my last will and Testament in manor as following First, my will is that my body be decently intered and that all my just debts be paid. Item - I will to my Beloved wife Mary Hoover my negros Anderson and Martha for her support during her natural life Also Two horses and as many Horne-- Cattle and Hogs as She may deem necessary for her comfortable support. I further will to her the plantation where I now reside during her natural life - Also all of my house hold ^furniture. I will to my Son Cyrus one hundred and ten Acres of Land off my Knox plantation so as to imbrace the present improvement he has made and not to prejudice the remaining part. I will to my Son Logan one half of my home place after the death of my wife also one half of the ballance of my Knox tract after Cyrus gets off his portion also my negro boy Alexander (Alexander crossed out) Ned. I will to my Son Stanhope one half of my home place after the death of my wife also one half of the ballance of my Knox tract of Land after Cyrus get off his portion also my negro boy Fed. I will to my friend L. A. Grier in Trust my negro Girl Lot and Child + increase for the support of my Daughter Catharine wife of J. W. Fares and at sd Catharines death to go to her Children. I will further that whereas J. W. Fares is indebted to me in Settlement what ever that amount may be I will to him. I will to my Daughter Elmina wife of Pleasant Oliver during her natural life and at her death to the heirs of her body my negro woman Carey and boy Jefferson. Item - I will to my Daughter Adaline my negro Girl Jane. Item - I will to my Daughter Arabella my negro boy Edward (Edward crossed out) Alexander. Item - I will to my Daughter Mary Augustine my negro boy Anthony also one hundred Dollars. Item - I will to my Son Pinckney my negro man Ben. Item - I will to my Son Thomas my negro woman Rachel. Item - My will further is that all of the ballance of my property be Sold by my Executor on a Credit of Twelve Months with Interest from date and equally divided among my surviving Children. And Lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my trusty friends Thomas Brem and Johnathan Reed my lawful Executors to all intents and purposes to execute this my last will and Testament according to the true intent and meaning of the Same and hereby revoking and declaring all other will void. In witness whereof I the sd Philip Hoover do hereunto set my hand and Seal this 18th day of August A. D. 1848. Test Phillip Hoover {seal} L. A. Grier W. Harris
State of North Carolina Mecklenburg County January Term 1849 I certify that the Execution of the above will was duly proved in open Court by the subscribing witness thereto, was recorded, and the Executors qualified. B. Oates CCC
Note from transcriber: There are differences between the legatees mentioned in the original will that is on file at the North Carolina State Archives and the will copy which is transcribed in Will Book I, page 146 of the Mecklenburg County wills. The original will is the more reliable since the will transcribed in the county book is a copy of the original. |