State of So. Carolina} In the Name of God Amen I Henry York District } Houzer late of the state and district aforesaid being in my perfect Senses and Memory but low and weak in body and Calling to Mind that all Men have once to die and after Death the Judgement and of all such Estate as God hath been pleased to bless me with I Desire to be disposed of in the Following Manner Viz First I Will and bequeath to my Wife Christina Houzer the following property - Her Walnut Chest + wearing apparel with her Bed and furniture and a four legged Walnut Table two Cows and One Hundred Dollars Cash - Second I will and bequeath to my son John Houzer Two Hundred Dollars that I Have paid him out of my estate - Thirdly I will and bequeath to my son Henry Houzer two Hundred Dollars paid to him out of my estate Fourthly I will and bequeath to my son David Houzer (the tract of Land on Cain Creek Rutherford No Carolina purchased of John Patterson) One half of which devided according to Value I will and bequeath to him at five Hundred Dollars Value - Fifthly I will and bequeath to my son-in-law Jacob Sapoh two Hundred and fifty Dollars paid to him out of my Estate- Sixthly I will and bequeath. to my son-in-law Henry Houver two Hundred-Dollars pd to Him out of my Estate. Seventhly I will and bequeath to my son-in-law John Whisonant two Hundred dollars paid to him out of my Estate - Eighthly I will and bequeath to my son-in-law Joshua Moss Ninety-one Dollars and fifty Cents paid to him out of my Estate Ninthly I will and bequeath to my son-in-law Gilbreth Dixon Eighty Dollars paid to him out of my estate. Tenthly I will and bequeath that the tract of Land whereon I now live together with 18 acre I purchased of Robert Black adjoining said tract also 3 and 4/10 acres purchased of Nicolas Whisonant Senr adjoining Said tract Like wise also two Tracts being survey I made adjoining said Land one Containing one Hundred and thirty nine acres the other four Hundred and sixty acres all to be sold together on a Credit of 12 Months to the highest bidder at Public Sale. Eleventhly I will and bequeath that my 1000 acre Survey on Branches of Clarks Fork and adjoining McElwee Land Hambright Land + Situate in York District So Carolina to be sold separately at the same time to the Highest bidder. Twelthly I will and bequeath that my Negro Man Ned be sold at Public sale to the highest bidder also my Negro Man Ben to be sold and my Negro Woman Franky with her two Children to be also sold - Thirteenthly I will and bequeath that my Stock of Horses and Cattle with my Waggon and Harness be all sold together with all other Stock Hogs, sheep + Farming Utensels and Household Furniture be all sold in like manner - with one Still and vessels, with Smith Tools Including all the rest of my Estate to be sold as above. Fourteenthly I will and bequeath that an Equal divide be made among my Heirs after discounting what has already been received by each. - And I do hereby Revoke all former wills by me made and I do Hereby nominate and appoint Henry Houzer and John Whisonant my Executors, to carry this my last will and Testament into Execution. In Witness whereof I Have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this second day of March 1822 Test Jno Ellis Edward Bird George his/X/mark Whisonant
Henry Houser {seal} |