Daniel Hoovers Will

In the name of God amen
I Daniel Hoover of the County of Lincoln + State of North Carolina Do make + declare this My Last Will + Testament In manner + form following
First I resign my soul into the Hands of Almighty God, Hoping + believing in a remission of my sins by the merrits + mediation of Jesus Christ + my body I commit to the earth to be buried at the discretion of my executor or executors herein after named + My Worldy estate I give + devise as follows First It is my will that my son Daniel Hoover is to have my dark brown horse with a blaze in the forehead + Twelve Dollars in money to buy a saddle + bridle One cow + calf his choise Two head of sheep his choise
Second It is my will that my Daughter Anna Hoover is to have my sorrel mare horse three years old with a blaize in the forehead, Two cows + calves her choise, Two head of Sheep her choise, Two beds + bedsteds her choise, one Bureau her choise + Table her Choise + Candle Stand. One small Wheel + One pair of Cards of her choise + Twenty Five Dollars in money to buy a Saddle Bridle + house furniture.
It is my will that my son David Hoover is to have my bay mare One Cow + Calf his Choise Two head of Hogs his Choise + Twelve Dollars in money to buy a Saddle + Bridle + Two set of horse geers.
It is my Will that my beloved wife Eve Hoover Is to have during her natural life or widowhood the liberty of my dwelling house to occupy + all the other buildings on my plantation Spring + guardin + all the Household + kitchen furniture such excepted as hereinafter + before mentioned the Twenty four hour Clock + Case, The pattint Clock to be Sold her Side Saddle + bridle One Loom and all the apparatus belonging to it, all the Spinning Wheels + cards, Check Reel wash pot Tub Churn + that my wife Eve is to have my Negro boy Ephraim during her natural life or Widow Hood + after her decease the above named property which She may leave to be sold by Executor or Executors + the money arising from the Sale to be applied as herein after mentioned
5th It is my Will that my Son Daniel Hoover Is to have the plantation I now live on + all My land which I have bought Adjoining the Same + about five acres of Meadow Ground Joining Jacob Hoover + Henry Kistler + the Thrashing Machine + my Son David is to provide + furnish my wife Eve with Clothing + provisions sufficient for her decent support during her natural life or Widowhood + Negro boy Ephraim + If my son Ephraim (Ephraim marked through) David Should fail or neglect to provide as above mentioned then my wife Eve shall be at liberty to lease or rent out a part or the hole of his before mentioned lands or plantation to get her decent support during her natural life.
Sixth It is my will that the land which I have given to my son Ephraim Is to be valued by three disinterested persons, one to be Chosen by my son Ephrain, + the other two to be Chosen by my Executor or Executors, + If said land is Valued for a less sum in proportion than will be a coming out of the Surplus money which may be left in the hands of My executor or executors, then my Son Ephraim is to have as much as will make him equal in share with my son Absalom, John Hoover, Philip Hoover, Daniel Hoover + my daughter Anna Hoover + If valued as high or higher, then he is to receive no more of my estate.
It is my will that all my property real or personal not above mentioned or herein after mentioned, Is to be sold by My executor or Executors + the money arrising there from to be applied to pay my Just debts + all necessary expenses + the ballance to be equally divided between my children as follows. My sons Absalom, John, Philip + Daniel Hoover + my Daughter Anna Hoover + my son Ephraim Hoover If he is not equal as above mentioned then he is to have his share to make him equal.
It is my will that the money arrising from the property which I have left to my property (property marked through) Wife Eve is to be divided amongst my Children who are named in the 7th article, + as therein directed + it is My Will that three freeholders are to be chosen by my executors, who are to lay off out of my stock, Crop, + provisions, which will be sufficient for the support of my wife Eve, my son David + my daughter Anna + negro boy Ephraim for One Year + no more.
Ninth It is my Will that my beloved Son Absalom Hoover + my Trusty friend Daniel Conrad be My executors In witness where of I have here unto Set my hand + Seal 23rd of September 1837
In presence of
Paul Anthony Daniel Huber {seal}
Daniel Anthony Jurat
Executors Sworn

State of North Carolina
Lincoln County January Sess. 1838
The within Will was proved in Open
Court by the Oaths of Paul and Daniel Anthony
The Subscribing Witnesses & Recorded
Witness H Cansler CC
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last updated on: 6/8/2024
copyright (c) 2024
Donna Joy Johnson
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Lincoln County Original Wills NC
Lincoln County, North Carolina - Book 1, page 420
Will Written 23 Sep 1837
Transcribed by Donna J. Johnson