Mecklenburg County Original Estates NC 1762-1957 CR.065.508.123 Stanhope S. Hoover Jr. 1897 Transcribed August 2001 by Donna Joy Johnson from photocopies of the original estate papers from the North Carolina State Archives |
State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County. } Superior Court. I, H N Pharr, do solemnly swear that I believe Stanhope S Hoover Jr died without leaving any last Will and Testament; and that I will well and truly adminster all and singular the goods and chattles, rights and credits of the said Stanhope S Hoover Jr, and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability; so help me God: H. N. Pharr (SEAL) Sworn and subscribed before me, this 23 day of Jany 1897 J M Morrow C.S.C. |
Stanhope Hoover Jr Estate Papers [ renunciation of right of administration - 1 page ] [ application to administer - 1 page ] [ oath of administration - 1 page ] [ petition for support - 2 pages ] [ final settlement - 1 page ] |
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last updated on: 9/6/02 |