Mecklenburg County Original Estates NC 1762-1957 CR.065.508.123 Philip Hoover 1849 Transcribed August 2000 by Donna Joy Johnson from photocopies of the original estate papers from the North Carolina State Archives |
Philip Hoover Estate by Tho. H. Brem & Jonathan Reid, Exctrs. Settlement April Term 1851 [Note from transcriber: Sections of the settlement are very difficult to read because of damage to original documents] State of North Carolina } Mecklenburg County } The undersigned having been called on to make Settlement of the Estate of Phillip Hoover decd in the house of Thomas H. Brem and Jonathan Reid Executors find by Certificate of the County Court Clerk that the Executors aforesaid made the following returns to Court of assets in their hands Viz: |
To Cash on hand 25 Jany 1849 " Amt Sales 7 Feby 1849, Int from date " " " Rail Road Stock 1 share Sold } 17 Jany 1850, Int from date } " Amt Sales 1 Jany 1850, Int from date " 1 Note on Jas. Porter due 7 Feby 1849 " Judgt on T. F. Hoover 4 " 1843 " 1 do " do do 4 " " " 1 do " C. A. Hoover 6 " 1845 " 1 do " do do 5 " 1845 " 1 do " J. S. Cathcart 24 June 1848 " Cash of H. B. & L. S. Williams on [---] 1 Mar 1850 Add Int. to Principal Forwarded |
Prin $ 103.00 520.18 53.00 10.00 4.50 75.55 } 75.60 } 6.61 } 10.47 } 30.94 1.50 $ 831.35 120.18 $ 951.53 |
Int 10.82 53.56 2.46 .50 .46 42.18 5.83 4.32 .05 $ 120.18 |
settlement of estate page 2 of 3 Philip Hoover Estate Papers [ return of sale - 3 pages ] [ estate return - 3 pages ] [ division of land between Stanhope Hoover and Samuel Logan Hoover - 3 pages ] [ guardianship of Mary Augustine Hoover - 8 pages ] [ guardianship of Samuel Logan Hoover - 2 pages ] [ settlement - 3 pages ] |
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last updated on: 9/6/02 |