Mecklenburg County Original Estates NC 1762-1957 CR.065.508.123 Philip Hoover 1849 Transcribed August 2000 by Donna Joy Johnson from photocopies of the original estate papers from the North Carolina State Archives |
Division of Land (continued) |
56 Division of land between Stanhope S. Hoover & Saml L Hoover Surveyor fees $4.50 State of North Carolina Mecklenburg County To the Worshipful the Justices of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions for Mecklenburg County We the undersigned having been appointed by the court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions July term 1850 to make partition & divide a tract of land in the County aforesaid & lying on the Catawba River between Stanhope S. Hoover & Samuel L. Hoover heirs at law of Philip Hoover decd -- met upon the premises on the 19th August 1850 & after being duly sworn proceeded to divide & allot to each of the said heirs a part of the lands aforesaid as follows Lot No 1 or the improved lot is appropriated to Stanhope S. Hoover -- Bounded as follows Beginning at a hickory Jonathan Reids Corner & runs his line S 89 W 266 poles (passing Reids Corner & thence with the Spratt tract) to a stake on the River bank where the hickory corner stood. Thence up the River to an ash above the ferry a corner of No 2 Thence with N2 N 89 1/2 E 275 poles to a White oak by an old road -- in Reids line Thence with his line S 3/4 E 59 poles to the beginning Containing one hundred & three acres valued at Five hundred and fifty dollars & is to pay to lot No 2 fifty dollars Lot No 2 or the unimproved lot is appropriated to Samuel L. Hoover -- Bounded as follows Beginning at a sycamore on the bank of the River Wm Porters corner & runs with three of his lines N 79 E 80 poles to a Stake Thence S 45 E 60 poles to a hickory Thence N 86 E 184 poles to a stake in Reids line Thence with his his [sic] line S 3/4 E 73 poles to a White oak by an old Road & corner of No 1 Thence with No 1 89 1/2 W 275 poles to an oak on the bank of the River thence up the River to the beginning containing one hundred & forty acres valued at four hundred & fifty dollars & is to Receive from No 1 fifty dollars. All of which is respectfully submitted under our hands & seals August 19th 1850 Wm M Porter {seal} Jonathan Reid {seal} Jas. L. Porter {seal} |
division of land page 3 of 3 Philip Hoover Estate Papers [ return of sale - 3 pages ] [ estate return - 3 pages ] [ division of land between Stanhope Hoover and Samuel Logan Hoover - 3 pages ] [ guardianship of Mary Augustine Hoover - 8 pages ] [ guardianship of Samuel Logan Hoover - 2 pages ] [ settlement - 3 pages ] |
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last updated on: 9/6/02 |