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Mecklenburg County Original Estates NC
1762-1957 CR.065.508.123
Philip Hoover 1849
Transcribed August 2000 by Donna Joy Johnson from photocopies of the original estate papers from the North Carolina State Archives
Division of Land (continued)
Division of land between Stanhope S. Hoover & Saml L Hoover
Surveyor fees $4.50

State of North Carolina
Mecklenburg County
                    To the Worshipful the Justices of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions for Mecklenburg County
          We the undersigned having been appointed by the court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions July term 1850 to make partition & divide a tract of land in the County aforesaid & lying on the Catawba River between Stanhope S. Hoover & Samuel L. Hoover heirs at law of Philip Hoover decd -- met upon the premises on the 19th August 1850 & after being duly sworn proceeded to divide & allot to each of the said heirs a part of the lands aforesaid as follows
Lot No 1 or the improved lot is appropriated to Stanhope S. Hoover -- Bounded as follows  Beginning at a hickory Jonathan Reids Corner & runs his line S 89 W 266 poles (passing Reids Corner & thence with the Spratt tract) to a stake on the River bank where the hickory corner stood.  Thence up the River to an ash above the ferry a corner of No 2 Thence with N2 N 89 1/2 E 275 poles to a White oak by an old road -- in Reids line Thence with his line S 3/4 E 59 poles to the beginning Containing one hundred & three acres valued at Five hundred and fifty dollars & is to pay to lot No 2 fifty dollars
Lot No 2 or the unimproved lot is appropriated to Samuel L. Hoover -- Bounded as follows Beginning at a sycamore on the bank of the River Wm Porters corner & runs with three of his lines N 79 E 80 poles to a Stake Thence S 45 E 60 poles to a hickory Thence N 86 E 184 poles to a stake in Reids line Thence with his his [sic] line S 3/4 E 73 poles to a White oak by an old Road & corner of No 1 Thence with No 1 89 1/2 W 275 poles to an oak on the bank of the River thence up the River to the beginning containing one hundred & forty acres valued at four hundred & fifty dollars & is to Receive from No 1 fifty dollars.
          All of which is respectfully submitted under our hands & seals August 19th 1850
                                                                                Wm M Porter {seal}
                                                                                Jonathan Reid {seal}
                                                                                Jas. L. Porter {seal}

division of land page 3 of 3

Philip Hoover Estate Papers

return of sale - 3 pages  ]

estate return - 3 pages  ]

division of land between Stanhope Hoover and Samuel Logan Hoover - 3 pages  ]

guardianship of Mary Augustine Hoover - 8 pages  ]

guardianship of Samuel Logan Hoover - 2 pages  ]

settlement - 3 pages  ]
copyright (c) 2000
Donna Joy Johnson
all rights reserved

last updated on: 9/6/02

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