Mecklenburg County Original Estates NC 1762-1957 CR.065.508.123 Philip Hoover 1849 Transcribed August 2000 by Donna Joy Johnson from photocopies of the original estate papers from the North Carolina State Archives |
Guardianship of Mary Augustine Hoover (continued) A return of the Estate of Mary A Hoover by her guardian C A Hoover made Apl. Term 1857 To Amt Recd of T H Brem Executor of T. B. Hoover decd on the 25th January 1857 -- $800~ Sworn to in open Court Apl term 1857 W K Reid ccc C. A. Hoover |
guardianship of Mary Augustine Hoover page 7 of 8 Philip Hoover Estate Papers [ return of sale - 3 pages ] [ estate return - 3 pages ] [ division of land between Stanhope Hoover and Samuel Logan Hoover - 3 pages ] [ guardianship of Mary Augustine Hoover - 8 pages ] [ guardianship of Samuel Logan Hoover - 2 pages ] [ settlement - 3 pages ] |
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last updated on: 9/6/02 |