Mecklenburg County Original Estates NC 1762-1957 CR.065.508.123 Philip Hoover 1849 Transcribed August 2000 by Donna Joy Johnson from photocopies of the original estate papers from the North Carolina State Archives |
Guardianship of Mary Augustine Hoover (continued) State of North Carolina Mecklenburg County The undersigned having been chosen to make Settlement of the Estate of Mary A. Hoover, in the hands of C. A. Hoover Guardian find by the returns made by said Guardian to Mecklenburg County Court that there came into his hands assets the following Viz: |
To Bal found due on Settlement made Thr 25 April 1854 Int to 23d July 1855 Hire of Negroes due 25 Decr 1853 Int to 23 July 1855 Hire of Negroes due 25 Decr 1854 Int to 23 July 1855 By the following Vouchers Passed to Credit of Guardian, Viz: No 1 Irwin & Huggins Rect 1 Jany 1855 Int to 23 July 1855 " 2 Springs & McLeod 6 Sept 1854 Int to 23 July 1855 " 3 W. K. Reid 23 July " " Coms on $17.49 of assets @ 5% " " " $ 30.73 " Vouchers @5% To Bal in the hands of Gudn 23 July 1855 We find assets remaining in the hands of the guardian due his Ward 23 July 1855 -- Six Dolls & 46cts $6.46. Given under our hands Wm Boyles JP G. C. Cathey JP |
$ 18.08 .61 10.50 .54 1.00 $ 30.73 .87 1.53 |
22.10 1.66 5.00 .48 10.00 .35 $ 39.59 $ 33.13 $ 6.46 |
guardianship of Mary Augustine Hoover page 5 of 8 Philip Hoover Estate Papers [ return of sale - 3 pages ] [ estate return - 3 pages ] [ division of land between Stanhope Hoover and Samuel Logan Hoover - 3 pages ] [ guardianship of Mary Augustine Hoover - 8 pages ] [ guardianship of Samuel Logan Hoover - 2 pages ] [ settlement - 3 pages ] |
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last updated on: 9/6/02 |